Live Training in February

If you’re preparing for the AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam, you’ll find no shortage of materials to help you prepare. I would, of course, recommend the recently released third edition of my book, Exam Ref AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals and my upcoming video training that will release soon in the Microsoft Press Store. However, you might also be interested in some live training where you can get answers to your questions in real time. If so, my upcoming delivery of AZ-900: Azure Fundamentals Crash Course is perfect for you!

O’Reilly live events are the perfect venue for learning about technology. I’ll present you with the information you need to be better prepared for the AZ-900 exam, and I’ve built in plenty of time for Q&A. In fact, the greatest benefit of this live training course is the dialogue we share in the Q&A. Not only does this course give you a chance to interact with me, but you can also interact with other students from all over the world!

Perfect for my goals. I know so much more than I did yesterday!

– recent attendee of my Crash Course

After the course is over, you’ll have access to all the content on-demand via O’Reilly’s website. The next delivery of this course is on February 15th and 16th of 2023, four hours each day. Sign up now to reserve your spot!

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